Free Online Job Posting Site is a free online recruitment site for employers to post free job vacancies and for job seekers to find the best jobs in South Africa. Have a look through all our current employment opportunities in South Africa to see if there are any current job vacancies that you would like to apply for. Remember that companies do post new jobs every day, so set up job alerts to be notified of any current job postings in South Africa.

If you are a recruiter or a company looking to fill a position, you may post jobs for free on our free online job posting site. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us!

Follow these steps to find out how to use and make the most of the online job site.

1. Register for Free

The first thing you will need to do is Register as a candidate. To do this follow these steps:

  • On the top right-hand side of the screen, click on register.


How to register with
Register as a job seeker or employer for free on


  • Make sure the Candidate block is green.
  • Enter a username that is unique to you.
  • Then fill in your email address. Please make sure you enter the correct email address with no spelling mistakes.
  • Then click in the I’m not a robot box to confirm you are human.
  • And finally, click on the Register your account block.
  • You will automatically now be logged in as a user of the system. Your password will be sent to your email address. If you do not receive it, please check your spam folder.


How to sign up with
How to sign up for a free account with


2. Complete your free online profile


Complete your online profile at
Complete your online profile of free to be found by companies hiring
  • Complete all fields and then click on the Save Changes box.


Create a online profile at and find the best jobs
Create a free online profile at and find the best jobs in South Africa.

Your profile is now complete. This information can be changed/updated at any time by following the steps above.


3. Create your free online CV (Resume).

Register your cv on free recruit
Register your CV free and get hired today!
  • Scroll down the page and complete all fields. Please remember that the more information you provide will make your CV more attractive to future employers. Make sure that you list all your education and experience. Also, make sure that your contact details are accurate and up-to-date.



Job seekers can submit their cv for free and get hired
Job seekers can submit their cv for free and get hired


  • Double-check that all your information is correct and up-to-date. Check your contact details again and make sure your grammar and spelling are all correct.
  • If you are happy, then click in the I’m not a robot checkbox to confirm you are human and then the Submit Resume block.


  • Well done! Your online CV/Resume is now live and visible to employers.


4. Create Job Alerts for Free.

Job Alerts will notify you via email of any new jobs that become available based on your criteria. So for example, if you are looking for an Admin Job in Johannesburg, you can setup an alert based on that criteria and the system will send you an email when any new Admin Jobs in Johannesburg become available on the site.

To set up Job Alerts, follow these steps:


Job seekers can create Create Job Alerts at freerecruit co za
Job seekers can create Create Job Alerts at freerecruit co za
  • Scroll down and click on the “Add Alert” green button.


job seekers can add a variety of job alerts at freerecruit to find their next job
Job seekers can add a variety of free job alerts at freerecruit to find their next job


  • You will then be directed to the “Add alert” form.
Freerecruit will alert job seekers of new job vacancies posted on the site
Freerecruit is a Free Online Job Posting Site and will alert job seekers of new job vacancies posted on the site.
  • Give the alert a name. e.g. My Admin job alert.
  • Optionally add a keyword. e.g Admin or administration.
  • Enter a location. e.g Johannesburg
  • Select the Category by clicking in the box. This will give you a drop-down with options e.g Administration & Clerical Jobs.
  • You can then select a Job type. This is optional. e.g Full Time
  • Then in the last box, you can setup the email frequency. So if you would like this alert sent to you Daily, then select daily. Monthly will send it once a month and weekly, once a week.
  • Click on the Save Alert box.
  • Well done! You have now set a job alert and will start receiving them directly to your email inbox.

View our youtube video tutorials:

Video Tutorial 1: How to register at freerecruit co za

Video Tutorial 2: How to create a profile on freerecruit co za

Video Tutorial 3: How to create your free online CV at freerecruit co za

Video Tutorial 4: How to create Job Alerts

We hope that this article helped to show you how to use and make the most of the platform. If you are still struggling with any of the steps above, please do not hesitate to contact us for assistance.

Follow this link for additional advice for recruiters.

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