Recruiters view cv’s for free

As a recruiter, you can register on our free online job posting site. Companies and Employers can post their latest job vacancies online for free. You will not be charged to use our free recruitment portal and you may download/view as many CV’s as you wish. Some other features you can expect as an employer are:

  1. Easy to use and manage job postings. Sleek design with built-in features to assist you in finding your perfect candidate. Companies / Recruiters can post jobs for free.
  2. Search for candidates . Browse through free online resumes and apply filters such as skills, salary/rate, geo-location to narrow down your search. Companies / Recruiters can search CV’s for free.
  3. Applications management. Submitted applications are visible and can be easily managed. Job applications can be given private notes, ratings, and organised by status. Candidates apply via our own online platform, their resumes are saved on our server saving you time and money.
  4. Bookmarks. As a recruiter, you often need a quick way to manage your lists. With bookmarks, you can. As an employer, you can add bookmarks to candidates’ resumes and never lose track again.
  5. Private Messaging.  Our platform comes with a smart private messaging system wherein employers can contact candidates directly.
  6. Google Search. We have partnered with Google (and other 3rd party search engines) which makes your job postings eligible to appear in a special user experience in Google search results.

The website has been developed using the latest coding and development techniques. It was created with you in mind. It’s simple and familiar to use while boosting productivity by creating a system that just works.

Unlike most Job Search Engine’s out there, Freerecruit is a truly South African Company. We hope that you have found the above information useful about the website. If you have any questions, comments, or need assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.

About Us we offer a free recruitment platform to post jobs and are committed to bring recruiters and job seekers together. To bridge the gap and to get South Africa back to work. We have also just launched a section for students and graduates to bring them all the latest and up-to-date learnerships and bursaries in South Africa.
View all the best jobs in South Africa to see if there are any vacancies that you would like to apply for. Some companies/recruiters do not actively post online job ads but rather browse through resumes looking for suitable candidates so you should register your CV online and get hired.
If you’re unsure about how to get started using, we created a step-by-step tutorial just for you.

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